One-minute golf tips:Improve your golf game with target line maintenance
The object of this great game of golf is to strike the ball into the hole in one smooth motion. As long as you have a club in your bag that goes indoor golf game that far, it is a reasonable goal. How do we do it?Think it: Confidence.Now think target line maintenance. The shortest distance between the ball and pin is a straight line. See the line and work it.Don't hit one ball without a target. The target is the pin or, if you cannot shoot directly at it or see it, envision quarter on the fairway and aim at this small target.Right, you say -- maybe you can do it but not me. This is a simple decision. If you try it in earnest, you will be amazed at the improvement.If we get a little lazy and frisbee disc golf shoot at the green, which is 150 feet across, then our target – the cup -- is effectively 150 feet across. That would make the game much easier.Aim at the quarter and your game will improve immediately